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Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
  • SummaryEnvironmental Isotopes Testing in Alazani-Iori Catchments (East Georgia) For Provision of Sustainable Use of Groundwater Resources 2013-2016.
  • SummarySpatial and Temporal Variability of Geodynam ical Field and Its Influence on the Deep Aquifers and Geomagnetic Field 2014-2017.
  • SummaryMapping environmental tracers for the assessment of water resources in Georgia under Changing Climatic Conditions 2019-2022
  • SummaryStudy of geothermal potential of Georgia by hydrogeochemical and isotope methods 2019-2022
  • SummaryEnvironmental tracers for assessment of karstic water resources under climate changes in Georgia 2019-2022
  • SummaryAssessment of Radon-Hazard potential in East Georgia 2020-2023